Media appearances

I often give interviews to Danish, Norwegian, and international media, and I am occasionally writing analyses, comments, or blogs. Furthermore, data on governments from the WhoGov-dataset is regularly used by media around the world. Below you can find links to a snippet of selected articles and interviews where I appear, sorted by topics.

For media interview requests or requests to give a public lecture, please e-mail me, send a text message, or contact me on Twitter. I am not always great at answering phone calls.

Authoritarian politics

The Dictator Myth That Refuses to Die, mention of my PhD-thesis in the Atlantic.

Vil Trump være diktator?, interview with Radio4.

Diktaturforskning for Folket, interview with 24 Spørgsmål til Professoren.

Hvorfor har vi så svært ved at genkende en diktator?, comment for Altinget.

Hvad gik galt med Putins krig?, analysis for Vid&Sans.

Demokratiet er på tilbagetog i hele verden, interview with Kristeligt Dagblad.

Dagsnytt 18, live interview in Dagsnytt 18.

Diktatorforsker om Putin: - Jeg tror han er enormt bekymret, live interview with VG.

En dygtig diktator er en paranoid diktator, analysis for Vid&Sans

Diktaturer og Putin med Jacob Nyrup, interview with Radio Nova.

Diktatorens dilemma: Putins angreb på Ukraine kan i sidste ende fremme demokrati i Rusland, interview with

Putin må frygte både kup og revolution, interview with Politiken.

Den inderste babusjka, interview with Weekendavisen.

‘Putins vilje er Ruslands vilje’: Derfor er det så svært for Vesten at forstå Vladimir Putin, interview with BT.

Putin gentager andre diktatorers fatale fejl, interview with TV2 Nyhederne.

How Rich Are Dictators?, Blog for WEALTHPOL.

Stormløbet mod Kongressen var et angreb på demokratiet – men det var ikke et statskup, Analysis for Ræson.

WhoGov & Paths to Power

Norske ministre er de lavest utdannete i verden, interview with Khrono. The story is also covered in NRK, VG, Apollon, and other Norwegian newspapers.

Alderen er dalet på Slotsholmen, Infographic with WhoGov in MandagMorgen.

INFOGRAPHIES. De plus en plus de femmes ministres : oui, mais…, Infographic with WhoGov in L’Express.

Who oversees our wealth (policies)?, Blog for WEALTHPOL.


Yes, Prime Minister., Blog with Martin Vinæs Larsen at Medium.

Border to Congo, Rwanda